CovetCon 2022
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
The Covet Fashion team (“Covet”) and Glu Mobile Inc. (“Glu”) believe in creating a community that focuses on empowering one another and celebrating our differences. We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all attendees of CovetCon 2022 (the “Event”) both virtually and in-person, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, or religion. We expect all attendees of the Event to uphold the same principles. Each attendee is required to conduct themselves in accordance with commonly accepted standards of decency, social conventions and morals, uphold and conform to this Code of Conduct (the “Code”) and not to commit any act or become involved in any situation or make any statement which brings disrepute, contempt, scandal, ridicule or disdain to the individual, Covet and/or Glu. Violation of the Code or engaging in any “Unacceptable Behavior”, as described below, in any way may result in expulsion from Covet Fashion events without any warnings or refunds.
Expected Behavior
Unacceptable Behavior
You will be removed from the Event if any Event staff receive reports that you’ve engaged in any one of the following behaviors:
Guidelines for Streaming, Photography, and Recorded Video
We want to encourage honest feedback and dialogue throughout the Event; to nurture an ideal environment for such honesty, we limit streaming, photography and other recordings. Live streaming, photography and video recording is strictly prohibited unless otherwise indicated by clear signage or granted approval in advance by Covet Fashion.
We will designate areas and times during the Event where you may record, photograph and/or live stream and encourage you to share and post your own photographs/videos that capture your experience. In areas where streaming, photography and video recording are allowed, you must first request and obtain permission from those who may be captured in your photograph, video or live stream. If an individual does NOT agree to be photographed/recorded, you must stop immediately and make no further attempts to photograph or record the attendee. Certain sessions are strictly off limits for recording and will be indicated as such.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior
Violation of the Code outlined in this document in any way will result in a variety of consequences deemed appropriate by Event officials. Consequences include demanding the violator to stop any unacceptable behavior, reporting behavior to City/State Officials, and/or expulsion (without refund or notice). Covet Fashion also reserves the right to suspend the account of any violators as well as prohibit participation from future Covet events.
How to Report Unacceptable Behavior
If you are witness to someone breaking the Code of Conduct or feel victimized in any, please alert the nearest Covet team member or venue staff. In case of emergency or breach of safety regulations (either occurring or suspicion of such), alert venue staff and call 911 IMMEDIATELY.
Your safety and comfort remain our main priority at all times. In order to achieve this, we require everyone’s attention to any possible violation and appreciate your help in maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all Covet events.
Covet Fashion reserves the right to deny access to or remove attendees for any reason that may disrupt the environment of acceptance and inclusivity without explanation.